Come to the table and receive your healing.
In this powerful book, Joseph Prince shows you how our Lord Jesus has provided for your health and wholeness.
Eat Your Way to Life and Health is packed with testimonies from people who have been healed through the power of the Holy Communion. Jesus did it for them; He can do it for you too.
Whether you just want to enjoy greater health or are battling a serious illness, Jesus has paid the price for you. Don't give up. There is no diagnosis and no condition that is excluded from the healing power of the cross.
Come freely to the table He has already prepared for you. Come eat your way to strength, health, and long life as you unlock the power of the Holy Communion.
Title: Eat Your Way to Life and Health
By: Joseph Prince
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 224
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2019ISBN: 0785229272
ISBN-13: 9780785229278
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